
Luger date by serial number
Luger date by serial number

When it wore down again, I just redid the solder job. I literally wore this gun out, even sent it back to the factory once, I later wore/chipped the ratchet on the cylinder, so I soft soldered a gob of solder on the missing section, and with my pocket knife whittled it down so the cylinder rotated and was timed correctly. This was the older version without multiple extraction, you had to use the cylinder base pin to push out each fired case. Which happened to be a used H&R model 922, with a 6' barrel.

luger date by serial number

I had saved enough money doing farm jobs during the summer and convinced my mother to purchase me a 22 pistol. As a young man in high school, I ran a trap line EARLY mornings and week-ends during the winter.

luger date by serial number

Now Comes My Association With the Colt Woodsman. Iver Johnson made another copy calling theirs the Trailsmen but made in 1985-1986 with only 1990 guns produced. You probably will have to do this numerous times to get the tail from not being slid/locked under the larger screw body shank. This then allows the tail of the spring a place to be slightly retained in place as you insert the unit back in place and hopefully retains it there as you tighten the screw. What trick I do is to use a Dremel tool and grind a slight groove in the screw body, under the head for the spring tail to nestle in. And be careful to not remove this on or near a carpet floor. If you take the screw off (do not pull it out), but try to keep it in position with the stop as you pull the unit out to the left and away from the gun.

luger date by serial number

Pull the grips off and you should be able to see it in the hole, but all the rest is hid behind the stop body. It should only be activated UP on the last shot by the magazine thumbpiece. It is a FINE wire with a couple of coils in the middle that goes in a hole in the slide lock and with tails on both ends, one tail under the hex headed screw and it has to be installed so that tension holds the lock DOWN. This spring is a bitch to get in place without pinching/bending it so it allows the lock to function freely.

Luger date by serial number